Welcome to our curated list of must-have items for your furry friends! As responsible and loving dog breeders, we only use the best products to ensure our dogs are happy, healthy, and well-cared for. We’ve gathered our favorite dog essentials, from nutritious food to fun toys, and are excited to share them with you.
Feel free to explore these links and find the best products for your dog’s needs. Your purchase through these affiliate links supports our breeding program and helps us continue providing top-notch care for our dogs. Thank you for your support!
Eukanuba Puppy for Small Breed Dogs. A small amount of this goes home with all new puppies to ease their transition to your own selected brand of food.
Chewable Vitamin Tablets for Dogs to help support overall wellness.
Start trimming nails when young and keep at it. Trim regularly and reward often.
Even in winter keep up with Flea and Tick prevention. One good day in winter and they can become active for a short time and hop rides inside on our furry friends.
Grooming kit for the Long Haired puppies. Do not use this on wire haired dogs.
Coat stripping tools for stripping Wired Haired dogs.
Small Dog Crate with hooked latches to prevent opening. Both side and front doors.
Rope Toys for the aggressive chewing puppies. and a bit of some tug of war play with the hoomans.
When training your puppy teach them to associate the sound of the clicker with a job well down and not the treats themselves. This will help with associative learning.
Have the training treats handy and ready to go anywhere with a training pouch.
Use the below button as our referal link and save $50 when you purchase a DNA test kit from Embark.